Dune DIY


We all get bored of what's in our closet and most of the time it's difficult to let go of our clothes.  Being that I love DIY projects, I have a hard time giving away my clothes because I know that I could change it into something new.  Then I have to actually DO the project and they're usually way more time consuming than we ever think they will be.  That's why I loved this particular clothing re-design.

A spray bottle
Some bleach
A hanger
A shirt (or any piece of clothing)

     This project was fun and so easy!  I poured some bleach into the spray bottle along with a little water (maybe 1/4 bleach to 3/4 water), then I hung the shirt in the shower and started spraying.  The water might be unnecessary but I was just being overly cautious.
     Since I had never done this before I wanted to start slow by spraying a little bit at a time even though I don't think this project can really be messed up.  So, after the first round I went about my day knitting up some orders and getting them ready to ship out.  In between orders I would go and check out the bleaching progress.  Every time I went in it was like seeing a different shirt!  
Change the spray setting from stream to spray for different effects

This is what I ended up with and I LOVE it!!

 This is the BACK and I like it better than the front. 

When i was all done I rinsed it out in the sink and hung it out to dry and then ran it through the wash.  I washed it by itself, again, being overly cautious, I didn't want to get any residual bleach on other pieces of clothing.

A clean shower wall


Pallet Re-construct

There have been pictures floating around the internet of all the ways you can convert pallets into fabulous furniture.  People are pinning them left and right and there are even whole websites dedicated to the latest DIY craze.  
On any given day you can find a huge pile of pallets behind the building where my husband Chris works so we decided to put them to good use.  We had one weekend and two projects in mind, a headboard for our bed and a cabinet that would actually be a type of playhouse for the cat.  We were able to get both done but today I'm posting about the headboard. 
Here is our pile!  I really love the grayish silvery colored wood.  They get to be that color by sitting out in the sun for a long time so if you have some pallets and they're not as old looking as you want then let them sit outside for a while.
My husband loves this new tool! It let him cut right through all of the nails attached to each plank.  I think we cut up about ten pallets but we really only used about eight for both projects.  A couple hints when doing this: wear gloves! There are old rusty nails sticking out everywhere and many opportunities to get splinters.  Also lots of creepy crawlies!  It's probably a good idea to hose them down but we had a pretty powerful air hose that we used and it worked great. 
Time to put the puzzle together!  Chris built a simple frame with two 2x4's and then we began piecing the puzzle together.  This was a lot harder than I thought but I think maybe it was more impatience on my part, I was so excited and I couldn't wail until it was done :)
Here is the end result, it's just as I imagined and we both love it.  The wood is lighter that it is in the picture, I'm the furthest thing from a professional photographer.
Now I just need some fun pillows for the finishing touches so I am officially on the hunt.  I just might end up making my own so who knows, you might see a tutorial on that soon.

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