Friday, August 17, 2012


We all get bored of what's in our closet and most of the time it's difficult to let go of our clothes.  Being that I love DIY projects, I have a hard time giving away my clothes because I know that I could change it into something new.  Then I have to actually DO the project and they're usually way more time consuming than we ever think they will be.  That's why I loved this particular clothing re-design.

A spray bottle
Some bleach
A hanger
A shirt (or any piece of clothing)

     This project was fun and so easy!  I poured some bleach into the spray bottle along with a little water (maybe 1/4 bleach to 3/4 water), then I hung the shirt in the shower and started spraying.  The water might be unnecessary but I was just being overly cautious.
     Since I had never done this before I wanted to start slow by spraying a little bit at a time even though I don't think this project can really be messed up.  So, after the first round I went about my day knitting up some orders and getting them ready to ship out.  In between orders I would go and check out the bleaching progress.  Every time I went in it was like seeing a different shirt!  
Change the spray setting from stream to spray for different effects

This is what I ended up with and I LOVE it!!

 This is the BACK and I like it better than the front. 

When i was all done I rinsed it out in the sink and hung it out to dry and then ran it through the wash.  I washed it by itself, again, being overly cautious, I didn't want to get any residual bleach on other pieces of clothing.

A clean shower wall

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